This summer, in a discussion with an
older academic friend, he pointed out that he had OCD and proceeded
to list all the things that he was OCD about and his wife had to
“tolerate”. He then asked what my OCD was. He mentioned other of
his academic friends that also had it and thought I might. I laughed
and told him that while I was eccentric, by most peoples standards, I
did not have OCD. Relaying this conversation to my older daughter,
later that evening, she strongly objected and said I did too have an
OCD – I could not make general statements, that I had to cite the
facts for the basis of a statement. I dont like misunderstandings, I
like to be on the same page. They say that you treat people the way
that you want to be treated. I love details and provide them out of
courtesy. That may be an OCD, but if it is, I am grateful for it.
This is all to preface that as I began
to write this post, I found that I could not be so general with this
subject that people might think I was just talking out my ass. There
is a lot of that going on in the world these days (This posting
follows the horribly science deficient Todd Akins statement of
women's bodies knowing when a real rape occurs and our bodies can
shut it down.) I “needed” to prove some of this information,
which has caused it to be a wee bit longer than I expected initially.
This is how a small study turned into a 270 page book a couple of
years ago. At this point, I feel the need to keep the info here, but
to break this up into 2 parts. The first part is the patriarchal
Indo-European perspective of gender and how they view men, as well
as the patriarchal dominator concept of the penetrator and the
penetrated. The second part deals with the perspectives of the
matrilineal cultures that embraced the multiple genders.
I have to include a disclaimer. When I
use the word patriarchy, I do not mean all men ( I never use it that way). Patriarchy means
father rule (please see the "On The Same Page" tab at the top).
Likewise, matrilineal does not mean matriarchy. More importantly,
this article is not about modern homosexuality or gay men as we know
them. I have absolutely no problems with homosexuality, gay marriage,
transgenders, etc. I support their right to their lives, their
choices and if they so choose, a government sanctioned marriage, all
the power to them (personally, I dont believe the government has the
right to impose their legitimacy on anyones unions). What I have a
problem with is the patriarchal Indo-European culture of domination
and subjugation, whose origins are covered below. This gets into the
ancient aspect of pederasty, which I do not associate with the modern
homosexual community. Let me repeat this, I DO NOT ASSOCIATE MODERN
HOMOSEXUALITY WITH PEDERASTY, which means I do not feel that
homosexuals are pedophiles – pedophiles are pedophiles, thats
it! Please continue reading to understand where I am coming from with
these patriarchs. The homosexual community has been horribly harmed
by the patriarchal Indo-European culture and I hope by revealing this
research, it can help to bring healing and understanding. I am also
not trying to convert anyone away from homosexuality, I do not see
anything that needs converting from. What I am trying to do is put
an end to the fear and hate mongering.
Ancient Greek Patriarchy
In ancient Greek mythology, there is a
figure that defies the typical patriarchal Indo-European Greek
culture – Teiresias. Teiresias' name means “interpreter of
signs”. There are so many varied accounts of this characters life,
that it is hard to determine original accounts, not unlike Teiresias'
gender changes. Teiresias was born a man. One day when he was
walking on Mount Cyllene, he saw two snakes, twined, mating. He
struck them with a stick, killing the female. As a result of this
act, Teiresias was changed into a woman. As a woman, she was a
priestess of Hera. Some accounts state that she married and had a
child of her own. Other accounts say that she was a great Prostitute.
It is a very common thing that matrilineal cultures have devotees
that utilized sex as a means of spirituality, which the patriarchal
cultures views as prostitution and treats derogatorily. But that is a
future blog. At any rate, after 7 years, Teiresias sees another pair
of mating serpents, striking them again and reverts back to being a
In all accounts Teiresias is a
priest/priestess, becomes blinded, and has the gift of prophesy. Some
accounts state that Teiresias lived seven lives and changed gender
often. Some believe Teiresias to simply be a metaphor for the
changing seasons. I believe, being a researcher of ancient
comparative belief systems, that there are elements of truth to much
of what becomes “myth” and we will need to apply some serious
investigating to get to the heart of the matter.
When the patriarchal Indo-Europeans
came in several waves, conquering the Old South European territories
and the Aegean Sea territories, much of the egalitarian matrilineal
culture went underground and was openly suppressed by the patriarchs.
One of the reasons for Teiresias being blinded was his seeing Athene
bathing (one of the rituals of her worship and the Eleusinian
Mysteries). Athene is not a name, but actually a title of the Aegean
Sea matrilineal cultures. She is the Mother, before the mother became
fractured into numerous goddesses under the patriarchal religion, all
of them marginalized as women (the nagging wife, the man hating
bitch, the whore, the crone, etc). Another reason for the blinding is
that Teiresias revealed the mysteries, which were rituals, practices
that were hidden from the average person – because of the
persecution by the patriarchy. The Eleusinian Mysteries were rites of
the indigenous matrilineal agriculture people. One of these
preliminary rites was purification by bathing in the sea, for which
all candidates for initiation went down to the coast, close to
Athens, on an appointed day. Athens was the city dedicated to Athene.
It was seeing Athene bathing that caused Teiresias to be blinded in
one account.
Another account of a person being
punished for revealing the mysteries is Arachne. Later patriarchal
accounts say that she was turned into a spider by Athene because she
wove better than Athene, who flew into a jealous rage (not typical
behavior for her), killing her, but later taking pity on her and
changing her into a spider. But the older accounts say that Arachne
wove the mysteries for all to see and was punished as a result. This
I believe is the key. For Teiresias to reveal the mysteries of the
matrilineal agriculture to the pastoral patriarchal culture would be
devastating. If Teiresias was a patriarch or even just a man and
became an initiate into the matrilineal mysteries, saw the image of
Athene being bathed and clothed, participated in the matrilineal
culture and was considered a renowned prostitute (a priestess or
priest of the matrilineal culture), this would be revolting to the
patriarchs. But, not if that man then returned to patriarchy and
revealed the mysteries – angering Hera (another mother figure) and
being blinded.
Now an interesting note about Teiresias
is that he was greatly respected as a sage by the patriarchy, even
consulted by Zeus, after being turned back into a man. Yet,
association with the matrilineal cultures was not greatly respected,
considered unmanly. So my thought is this man, originally a man, was
a mole, “converting” to the matrinlineal culture, intent on
getting the inside track on the hidden ”mysteries”, and then,
“became a man again”, revealing the matrilineal mysteries to the
patriarchy and winning their respect. Think spiritual Trojan Horse
So what does this have to with gender.
Everything. Teiresias is a figure depicting a person experiencing two
different genders. This is unacceptable to the misogynistic
patriarchal culture, but very accepted amongst egalitarian
matrilineal cultures. In older Greek accounts, humans were created
with 4 arms, 4 legs and two heads. Zeus, the patriarchal
Indo-European sky god of the Mycenaean wave, split them in two with
thunderbolts. They forever wandered, trying to find their other half
to become whole again. It is a foundational principle of the
patriarchal Indo-Europeans to fracture humanity into two genders,
with the male being superior and the female subjugated. That is it –
two genders. But ancient matrilineal cultures held that there were
more than just male and female, there were many options.
How Many Genders Are There?
So how many genders are there? Well
that depends on your perspective and how you view the word “gender” (covered in depth in Part 2).
In the ancient Hellenistic Indo-European (Greek) culture that much of
our language descends from, the word “gender” means
- kind, sort, class, from Old French gendre, which is from the stem
of Latin genus (generis) , meaning race, stock, family; kind, rank,
order; species. Genus is from Greek genos meaning race, kind, and
gonos meaning birth, offspring, stock, which is from the PIE
(Proto-Indo-European) root *gen(e)- produce, beget, be born. In the
ancient Greek concept men and women were an entirely different race.
According to Hesiod (very misogynistic patriarchal Greek
Indo-European writer - 8th
century BCE), females were the “genos gynaikon” - race of
womankind and the phyla gynaikon – tribes of women (Hesiod Theogony
590-592). Hesiod never writes about a genos andron – race of men,
or phyla andro, but he does write about genos and phyla anthropon,
which means human. Anthropon, juxtaposed with gynaikon, clearly shows
the patriarchal Greek Indo-European mindset that women were not
humans, but a lower race/species.
Greek Indo-European Pederasty –
Love of Boys
Now gender in ancient Greek culture was
not devoid of what we might think was homosexuality, though not as
modern homosexuality, but was rather cultivated, with a patriarchal
twist. Man was determined to be the superior gender and the active
principle, associated with order, the sun and masculinity/strength.
Women were associated with passivity, chaos, darkness,
femininity/weakness. So in the ancient Greek patriarchal
relationships there developed a culture of pederasty (paiderastia
- a feminine word), meaning the love of boys. These youths were taken
by older men as lovers and “mentors”. The young men ranged in
age, but the common age is around 12-17 years, until their facial and
body hair grew in, at which point they were generally accepted as
men. There were relationships that continued beyond the youth
becoming a man, but they were not so socially acceptable.
There are two factors at work here. The
older man was viewed as a man, the active, masculine, penetrator with
a higher social status. The youth, likened to the role of women, was
the passive, feminine, penetrated role – the lower social status.
This mind set continues to this day with some homosexual men, not
viewing themselves as gay or homosexual because they are the
masculine penetrators. But they very much view the passive recipients
as being gay, often with disdain. “In
Greece the sexual relationship was assumed to be a power
relationship, where one participant is dominant and the other
inferior. On one side stands the free adult male; on the other,
women, slaves, and boys. Sexual roles are isomorphic with social
roles; indeed, sexual behavior is seen as a reflection of social
relationship not as itself the dominant theme. Thus it is important
for us to remember that for the Greeks it was one’s role, not one’s
gender, that was salient. Sexual objects come in two different kinds
– not male and female but active and passive.” - Myths and
Mysteries of Same-Sex Love, Christine Downing, pgs.135-136.
The Greek
perspective of pederasty continued into the succeeding Roman culture,
but with some minor modifications as the Roman culture became more
“civilized”, making penetration illegal for free born youths.
Conservative thinkers began to condemn it. Sometimes these young boys
are called catamites.
Other Patriarchal Indo-Europeans
This pederasty culture is not relegated
to the patriarchal Greek Indo-European branch alone. In Central Asia
territory of patriarchal Indo-Aryan Persia , Afghanistan, and
Pakistan (northern territory of what was referred to as “Hindustan”,
prior to Partition) there is the same pederasty practice, modernly
called “bacha bazi” - meaning “playing with boys” in the
Afghani dialect. A ‘bacha bereesh’ is a boy without a beard,
generally between the ages of 14-18. These young boys are sought out
by rich and powerful men, who force them into a life of prostitution
and slavery. The beautiful boys who are the best dancers become
status symbols for their owners. The bacha bazi boys are generally
poor, underage or orphans, sometimes they are kidnapped, other times
they are sold by their impoverished families, forcing them into this
2010, PBS aired the documentary, The Dancing Boys of Afghanistan, by
Najibullah Quraishi -
In Turkey, the young boys are called
“Kocek”, which means little, small or young. These young boys
begin their training around the age of seven. The kocek dancers are
dressed in feminine attire and continue in this career so long as
they are youthful looking and beardless. They were taken from their
homes, recruited from non-Muslim families (after the Muslim conquest
of those territories), by means of a blood tax – the collection of
children. The kocek were dressed in heavy makeup, long hair, fine
clothes and said to behave sensuously and be effeminate. They were
used sexually, often for pay and always as the passive penetrated
role. The patriarchal Indo-European Celts are also cited by a number
of ancient authors as participating in the practice of pederasty,
such as Diodorus (V, 32) observed: "although their wives are
comely . . . [Celts] have very little to do with them, but rage with
lust, in outlandish fashion, for the embrace of males. It is their
practice to sleep upon the ground on the skins of wild beasts and to
tumble with a catamite on each side" . Ammianus Marcellinus
(Gothic Wars, 2.14) stated that among the Taifales, a boy continued
in a passive (penetrated) relationship until he slew a bear or boar.
The Indo-Aryan account of the Akkadians, I will explain in the
Matrilineal section. (Part 2)
While not totally exhaustive, this
shows that a very large cross section of known ancient, patriarchal
Indo-Europeans cultures practiced this penetrator/penetrated sexual
culture with young boys, often dressing them as women and having them
behave effeminately, which has continued to this day. Another common
denominator is that when they reach adulthood or perform an act that
initiates them into manhood, they are now the penetrators. If they
remain the passive penetrated, they are reviled, more so if a
currency is involved.
How could this ancient practice
encompass such a large swath of patriarchal Indo-European territory,
unless it began with the root culture of the proto-Indo-Europeans
that originated near the Sea of Azov in the Eurasian Steppes?
The Passive
Armed with this perspective, you can
see the view that patriachal Indo-Europeans would have of men that
“betrayed” mankind, associating themselves with the egalitarian
matrilineal culture that accepted various aspects of people –
female warriors and leaders, males who wanted to dress as women,
males who castrated themselves to be like women, adult males who
enjoyed sex/relationships with other adult males. That is the
greatest offense against the patriarchy – to willingly associate
yourself with the subjugated.
Now there is another twist here. The
passive young man, cannot enjoy this passive sexual role. If the
boys, becoming men, continued to be passive sexual recipients, they
were viewed harshly. If, as a man, they continued to be passive, much
more so. And worse, if a man was bought with gifts or was the
recipient for money. “In so far as
the 'passive partner' in a homosexual act takes on himself the role
of a woman, he was open to the suspicion, like the male prostitute,
that he abjured his prescribed role as a future solider and defender
of the community.” - Sexuality and Gender in the Classical
World: Readings and Sources, K. J. Dover, pg. 28. “The
situation was totally different in the case of grown equals, however.
Whereas the Dorian boy would attain manhood through his submission,
the grown man who submitted to another man would lose his
manliness and become effeminate, exposed to shame and scorn.”
Phallos: A Symbol and Its History in the Male World, Thorkil
Vanggaard, pg. 89. “A man who enjoys playing the receptive partner
is derogated as a prostitute and as having forfeited his right as a
citizen to hold office. The assumption is that a man who would
willingly make himself available would do anything! Only slaves,
women, and foreigners would willingly choose to be treated as
objects” - Myths and Mysteries of Same-Sex Love, Christine Downing,
pg. 139.
In the
later Roman culture, Lex Scantinia was a law created to penalize all
male citizens of high position that partook in passive sexual
behavior. To be the penetrated “passive” or “submissive”,
threatened masculinity, with feminine traits, submission and passive
mannerisms being an act of the subjugated, women, lower class and
slaves. The Roman term for effeminacy was “Graeculus”,
meaning “a little Greek.” According to the Roman jurist
Pomponius, “Whatever man has been raped by the force of robbers or
the enemy in wartime (vi praedonum vel hostium) ought to bear no
stigma.” Why would this bear no stigma? Because the patriarchal
Indo-European culture is all about warmongering, which includes rape
as a part of war – dominating your enemy. Whats done in war, stays in
the war.
Indo-European Penetrator/Penetrated Terms for Women
pentrator/penetrated culture is further evidenced by a number of
patriarchal Indo-Europeans terms for women that arrive in our English
branch of the Indo-European languages. Vagina comes from
Latin, meaning sheath, scabbard, pod (pl. vaginae). This originates
from the Indo-European *wag-ina, from base *wag- "to break,
split." Possibly from the ancient sheaths being made from a
split piece of wood. The Slavic/Baltic languages added the “V”
pronunciation to the *wag-ina, making it vag-ina.
The patriarchs penis is viewed as one of their weapons of warfare –
the dagger or sword. And the female “vagina' is their sword sheath.
Their sword is the active, masculine penetrator and the female is the
passive, feminine penetrated. Another term is twat. Twat
is from
Old Norse thveit /thweit which means a cut, slit, forest clearing.
Used for genitals, a sexually active woman, later for a foolish or
despicable person. The
forest clearer (male penis) the active, masculine penetrator and the
forest (female vulva), the passive, feminine penetrated.
Half a Man
Now lets take a look at the patriarchal
view of “half a man.” In older Greek accounts, Aphroditus was a
male version of the name Aphrodite, said to have female shape and
wear the clothing of a female, but a beard and penis of a man (this
is a carry over from the matrilineal culture). Aphroditus was
worshipped as a goddess, being both male and female, in a ritual
where men wore womens clothing and women wore mens. This account
originates from Cyprus, a matrinlineal Aegean Sea culture before the
patriarchal Indo-Europeans. Later the patriarchs change the account
to that of Hermaphroditus (they are always rewriting history @#$%).
The term hermaphrodite is due to the patriarchal lore of a union
between Hermes (a son of Zeus the head of the patriarchal
Indo-European Olympian pantheon) and Aphrodite. She bore a child with
both genders visible. According to patriarchal perspectives,
Hermaphroditus was derogatorily viewed as “half a man”.
Another example of this derogatory view
of “half a man” by the patriarchy is an ancient case of
Anacharisis, son of a Scythian (patriarchal Indo-Europeans) king, who
traveled to Greece and became initiated into the matrilineal Mothers
Eleusinian Mysteries, castrated himself and adopted the dress of
women. He later returned home. He was killed by his brother, who had
become king. " When a countryman of his own (his brother) was
imitating among the Scythians the rite of the Mother of the Gods as
practiced at Cyzicus, by beating the drum and clanging the cymbal,
and by having images of the Goddess suspended from his neck after the
manner of a priest of Cybele, this king (Saulius) slew him
(Anacharisis) with an arrow, on the ground that the man, having been
deprived of his own virility in Greece, was now communicating
the effeminate disease to his fellow Scythians." - Clement of
Alexandria, Protreptica 24:1.
During the Roman time frame, these male followers of the Mother
Kybele/Cybele, whose origins are much older, stemming from the
ancient matrilineal cultures, were known as Galli. The meaning of the
name is disputed, though the Latin word “gallus” means rooster
and may be a derogatory word for the decorative struting of the
Galli. The more detailed description of the Galli will be in the
matrilineal portion (Part 2) of this blog, but what you need to know
is that some (not all were castrated, it was a choice) of the Galli
castrated themselves, began wearing makeup like women and wore womens
clothes. The patriarchal Indo-European Roman culture prohibited its
citizens from becoming Galli (castration). After a brief lifting of
the ban under Claudius, Domitian reinstated the law that Roman
citizens were forbidden to practice eviratio
(Latin evirare - to castrate; e = out + vir = man. To
emasculate; to dispossess of manhood).
Patriarchal Indo-European
Penetrator/Dominator Commonality
These examples show the patriarchal
Indo-European root perspective, not of our modern concept of
homosexuality, but of their ancient perspective of man, masculinity
and domination. Their gender - man, was superior, a
warrior/dominator/penetrator, equated with the sun and order. The
other gender/species, that of woman, was the inferior, the
subjugated/penetrated equated with the dark and chaos. It is true
that the ancient patriarchal Indo-European culture was misogynistic
(hating of women), but this hatred carried over to other men; men
they viewed as willingly betraying their male gender/species; either
by submitting themselves to be penetrated as adult free men, or by
castrating themselves (removing their male gender, now becoming
female), or by assimilating the effeminate characteristics of the
female gender. Now men, in their eyes, only pertained to their
Indo-European racial warrior caste. All other men from other races,
who became the subjugated third/fourth caste system, were not of
their gender/species.
You can clearly see this
hate of any adult man that is not the patriarchal Indo-European masculine/male/penetrator, this homophobia, in the patriarchal Indo-Europeans religious
system, especially that of the Abrahamic faiths (yes they are
patriarchal Indo-European. Abraham was Indo-European Amurru/Amorite,
who had a political marriage alliance with Sarah, who was
Indo-European Hittite. Send me an email and I will send you the
documentation, including the biblical passages.) This whole
homophobia bullshit is the fear that gay men or transgender men will
communicate “the effeminate disease” to them.
About a year ago, there was a
de-motivational poster that was making its rounds on reddit and the
rest of the internet. It read, “Homophobia – Fear that gay men
will treat you the way that you treat women.” This is very much true - they dont want to be the penetrated/subjugated. And “worse” than
a regular gay man in the patriarchal Indo-European eyes, is a
transgender that either associated with a woman or goes even farther,
castrating himself (theres no going back from that). Of all hate
crimes, the group that I have seen the highest statistics for, are
the crimes against the transgender community, often resulting in
The heterosexual men that I know, that
dont subscribe to the patriarchal Indo-European culture, that are not
misogynistic assholes, arent afraid of homosexuality. They arent
afraid of being "infected". The freedom of bisexuals is an ancient
heritage of the matrilineal cultures (some anthropologist might even
argue that it goes way back to our evolution from a parent primate that also produced our cousins, the bonobo primates,
who are also bisexual. -(Bonobo, The Forgotten Ape, Frans De Wall; Sex at Dawn by Christopher Ryan, Ph.D. & Cacilda Jethá, M.D.). This freedom and acceptance of a variety of sexualities and genders, in the
matrilineal cultures, is for the next blog, The Ancient
Gender War, Part 2 - Matrilineal
Cultures and the Many Genders.
Kathryn QannaYahu
Coming soon - The Ancient Gender War, Part 2.
Cultures and the Many Genders
(I am in the process of moving to another home, so this may be a week or two before Part 2 gets posted )
(I am in the process of moving to another home, so this may be a week or two before Part 2 gets posted )
Hi Kathryn,
ReplyDeleteYou may want to rephrase the last paragraph. Just as we didn't evolve from Chimpanzees, we also didn't evolve from bonobo primates. We are infact cousins having had a common ancestor somewhere in the past. I would be interested to know how 'some anthropologist' draw the link from bonobos behaviour that we obsere today, to our own.
Thank you for your input, that did need clarifying. While I am not big into that aspect of anthropology, I have been more interested in the aquatic ape theory, which makes a hell of a lot more sense to me, especially the brain development. I was reading Descent of Woman, just prior to this move and wanted to get it back to the owner, so as to not forget about it for several weeks while I packed and unpacked, but as soon as I settle back down, I will check it out from the library and finish it. The Bonobo book I listed in the paragraph, mentions some of the correlations.
DeleteDavid --
ReplyDeleteI think the reference to bonobos is probably based on _Sex at Dawn_ by Christopher Ryan, Ph.D. & Cacilda Jethá, M.D.
Kathryn --
Interesting blog! Thank you.
I wonder if you might not want to rephrase "You can clearly see this “other” hate, this homophobia," since "other hate" would be "heterophobia," wouldn't it? Just a suggested edit.
David, yes, that was one of the books that I had in mind, having recently taken a break from my more detailed research. I have now cited it and the Bonobo book.
DeleteI also rephrased the passage you brought up. I can see why that might sound confusing. I was actually thinking of the broader picture of the patriarchal Indo-Europeans, their hate of anything not of them, which is why they establish caste systems. It is not just males, but other ethnicities. The irony is, that after awhile, all their bloody war conquests and breeding with the local women, they end up fighting their own "cousins" so to speak and much of our war conquests these days are basically family feuds. Thank you for the suggested edit.
,.very intersting, thank you! read your comment on the article about the dad that wore a skirt for his son, will continue reading, thanks
ReplyDeleteQuite a while back I saved two images that were making the rounds at reddit, to share in my presentation. The first is James Franco in a layout for Candi Magazine, that a redditor added part of Madonnas lyrics to. Shortly after that made the rounds on the net, Iggy Pop did a layout.
ReplyDeleteIm trying to learn this computer and in case it didnt post. I am a Mother and breast fed. I am researching the Names of God. Adam is A=God D=Womb AM=Mother.
ReplyDeleteAd =imprint,ornament, image and A=God, M=Water, meaning Mother, water, blood, womb=People. My name is Janet Brockenbough